(02-24-2021) via Facebook LIVE @ Tom MacDonald | ShArE aNd/Or CoMmEnT * TeLL a fRiEnD or tHe nEiGhBoRhOoD * cHeK oUt tHe description BELOW fOr DeTa!lZ

For more Live-streams via Facebook with Tom MacDonald and Nova Rockafeller on this Channel.. Check out the following playlist here for previous VOD’s…​

` WhO iS ToM MAcDonAlD? Anyone who is familiar with Tom’s work would be doing him a great disfavor by classifying him as just a ‘rapper’. More accurately described as a visionary, his artistry is not confined to the manufactured stereotypes. With his roots lying in Hip Hop, Rock ’n’ Roll, and Rap, his cinematic visuals push boundaries, are immediately identifiable, and unlike anything currently on the North American scene. As rap stars have become the new rock stars, there couldn’t be a better time for Tom MacDonald.
In the past 5 months, Tom has accumulated over 15 million video views on his last 4 singles/videos, with these videos being shared cumulatively upwards of 500k times. His latest single “HELLUVIT” hit 3.5M in 3 days, is currently at 8M+, and is generating one million views every 3 days. His Facebook fans and likes grew virally at an incredible rate of 3500% in the past 5 months, and currently 200,000+ dedicated followers engage with him on Facebook. He has 50,000 active monthly listeners on Spotify, and 500,000 streams. YouTube also caught the wave and his subscribers are growing at a rate of 300% MOM.
But…this wasn’t an overnight success. Tom has released 10 full-length projects with high-budget wildly creative music videos (some are short films) since beginning his career 7 years ago, and has written many songs for other artists. His growing fan-base has been intensely supportive throughout his various music and video releases.
Currently living in Los Angeles, Tom was born in Vancouver, Canada and spent most of his teenage years as a professional wrestler. By the time Tom was 17, he had wrestled across Canada, on a bi-weekly TV show in Alberta and on Pay Per View with many WWE Super Stars. Despite his immediate and ongoing success in the world of professional wrestling, his passion was for music. It was this greater passion that prompted Tom to leave the wrestling business and forge a career in the music industry.
With the “start local, think global” mentality, he has been nominated for many Canadian awards, including the prestigious Leo Award, his videos have aired on Canadian nation-wide television, including major networks like MuchMusic (MTV of Canada). He has performed as main support for Major Lazer, Madchild, Swollen Members, and toured through Europe twice in 2013/2014 with Kool Keith and Onyx.
As so many times we have seen this happen, a talented artist starts out determined to conquer the world, continues to push, and seemingly pops out of nowhere. `

~ iTUNES:​​

– DISCLAIMER: First of all, there is NO affiliation with Tom MacDonald & Nova Rockafeller when it comes to this Youtube Channel (majority of footage is LIVE via FB & basically not everyone is on just one platform) Also, There is NO Copyright intended with this specific “VOD” and NO monetization involved with this content here on our behalf – Just sharing on another platform, for more discoverability and appreciation towards the art

#TomMacDonald​​ #HangOverGang #ClownWorld