Rich TVX News Network Names Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian and the ‘Yale Research Team’ as Person of the Year 2022

Rich TVX News Network Names Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian and the ‘Yale Research Team’ as Person of the Year 2022


NEW YORK ( — This Rich TVX News Network bulletin is about outstanding heroes for freedom: people who set out to help others — men and women from Yale University. Yale Professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and the Yale team have become heroes. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his colleague Steven Tian are maintaining a roster of corporate responses to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Every year, the Rich TVX News Network names the person (or people) who wielded the most influence in the previous 12 months. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, his colleague Steven Tian, and the Yale research team were chosen together as Rich TVX News Network’s Person of the Year. They were selected for their roles for showing that the forces of empathy are greater than the furies of war. We would like to acknowledge the stimulating friendship and supportive joint activism with Yale. The Rich TVX News Network count itself very fortunate to work alongside so many extraordinary people, including Yale professor Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Steven Tian and the Yale research team. At the same time, of course, across the Atlantic, we’d also like to acknowledge the many inspirational people of voices in Serbia, including Nikola Sandulović, the President of Serbian Republican Party, and Katarina Ilić, who strongly supported the Yale list in Serbia.

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